Life Style – Pristine School of Management

How Technology is Shaping the Education System in the UK

Technology is reshaping the education system in the UK, presenting both new opportunities and challenges for students, teachers, and institutions. The introduction of technology has turned the traditional classroom into

The Role of HR in Employee Experience and Employer Branding

In today’s competitive business landscape, companies have realized that Employee Experience and Employer Branding play a crucial role in attracting top talent, enhancing employee engagement, and improving organizational performance. Human

The Crucial Role of Data Analytics in Enhancing Cybersecurity

Data analytics plays an essential role in improving cybersecurity by helping organisations detect, respond to, and prevent cyber threats in real time. As cyberattack  become increasingly sophisticated, leveraging data analytics

Nigeria and the Relevance of ‘Export for Survival’

Nigeria’s economy has relied on oil exports, but with global economic shifts, fluctuating oil prices, and the urgent need for diversification, exporting non-oil products has become a crucial survival strategy.


Institutions in the UK are a popular destination for the pursuit of a flexible academic program as they offer a diverse range of courses and consistently rank highly on research